We are very pleased to have gypsy swing quartet, Hotcha performing for our fourth event in the Gregson Gig Series.
This will be a rare opportunity to see this band in Lancaster. Amongst others, Hotcha have played Gypsy Swing at the Gregson before with
Tim Kliphuis and Diz Disley but not for over six years so this will be something of a homecoming. Don't miss it!
Django Reinhardt, the gypsy guitar genius, and Stephane Grappelli the violin virtuoso, created what is now called ‘Gypsy Swing’ in the 1930s. They heard American jazz, and mixed it with their own Parisian musics, in Le Quintette du Hot Club de France. Hotcha play the same instruments, with the same swing. In addition to performing material from that era, they also tackle some surprisingly familiar modern repertoire. The music is joyous, accessible, and always swings!
Heath Lavery (violin), Alan Pill (guitar), Jon Moore (guitar), and Steve Simpson (bass).
Join us on the 26th November. Doors open 18:30, entry £7.50
Buy tickets in advance at https://pay.sumup.io/b2c/
Photo of Jon by George Coupe
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